The L5 Development Group historical observations

Historical Observations

From time to time we come across commentary, dire predictions, and adamant assertions that have been made regarding some form of progress or the future of technology. The nay-sayers are inevitably proven wrong, often in a spectacular manner. While we chuckle in hindsight at the thought, we must also keep in mind that the voices of concern also tend to impede development, some times for long periods. In posting the statements accumulated on this page, we are not merely poking fun at those who have gone before. Instead, the intent is to remind all of us that these shrill voices must be taken into account, and that there is some truth in what they say - even when we can see through to solutions that may make their point moot.

If you have something you think would make a good addition to this page, please email us with the details. We are open to your suggestions.



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L5 Development Group - Historical Observations / Webmaster / Last modified February 9, 2012 @ 3:57 am
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