. The L5 Development Group is a privately funded, for profit, commercial space exploration and development program. The L5 Development Group is a privately funded, for profit, commercial space exploration and development program.  


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Keyword Description
Advertise Advertise your business at L5 Development
BusinessModel Information about how this space program is going to pay its own way
BusinessOffice L5 Development Group Business Office
ColonyDesignTheory Space Colony Design Theory
includes specifications for the Reference Model
ColonyRefModel Space Colony Design Reference Model
specifications of ring diameters, area, relative gravity, etc.
Constitution The proposed and evolving Constitution for the L5 Nation
Documents Passports, vehicle and operator documents, other official papers issued by the L5 Nation
GeneralStore L5 Development General Store
Your purchases here help to fund this effort.
Historic Some (amusing) observations and assertions that have been made in the past...
HobbyShop Hobby Shop and Games Store
Investors Investor information and inquiry form
JobsAtL5Dev Current jobs available at L5 Development
The Jobs Overview discusses the types of jobs available
Use our online job application to apply!
LastManShirt "Last Man on the Moon" T-shirt honoring Apollo 17's Gene Cernan, calling for a return to the Moon
Links Internet links to other space related Web sites
MallOffice Sign up to establish your store in the L5 Colony Shopping Mall
NewResearch Working outside of Earth's gravity well will open new avenues of research
NewResources Access to raw materials will be tremendously expanded beyond Earth
Overview An "Executive Overview" of the L5 Development Group project
Privacy Our privacy statement, concerning information we may collect from you during your visit to our site
Search Search the L5 Development Web site
ShoppingMall L5 Colony Shopping Mall
SolarPower Solar power satellites are a key component of our business plan
SpaceColony Space Colony menu page
SpaceColonyH SpaceColonyH©, a non-violent psychologically-based, problem-solving leadership game set in space
SpaceHistory Space History newsletter, updated at 0300 GMT (7/8AM EDT) each day
TodaysNews The L5 Development online newsletter
VirtualColony We are in the process of constructing a VRML model of our space colony that you will be able to browse through.
When complete, the L5 Colony Shopping Mall will be a place you can go look at just like any other mall!
WhyGo Why go at all? Some reasons for going to the Moon, to L5, and beyond

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