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Space History for March 11, 2025

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Born, Urbain Jean Joseph le Verrier, co-discoverer of Neptune, predicted the existence and position of the planet using only mathematics

ref: en.wikipedia.org

Born, Vannevar Bush, developed the first electronic analog computer

ref: en.wikipedia.org

A. Charlois discovered asteroids #360 Carlova and #361 Bononia.

J. H. Metcalf discovered asteroid #637 Chrysothemis.

Born, Boris Nikolayevich Petrov, Russian scientist, Institute of Control Problems Department Chief (1951-1980), senior academician in the Soviet Academy of Science, chair of the Inter-Cosmos Council, promoted eastern Europe space cooperation (1966-1980)

ref: encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com

M. Wolf discovered asteroid #890 Waltraut.

Died, Julio Garavito Armero, Colombian astronomer (celestial mechanics)

Julio Garavito Armero (5 January 1865 - 11 March 1920) was a Colombian astronomer. He was a child prodigy in science and mathematics, and obtained degrees in mathematics and civil engineering. As an astronomer at the Observatorio Astronomico Nacional (National Astronomical Observatory) in Columbia, his researches included calculating the latitude of Bogota, studies about the comets which passed the Earth between 1901 and 1910 (such as Comet Halley), and the 1916 solar eclipse (seen in the majority of Colombia). The most widely important aspects of his studies were about celestial mechanics, Lunar fluctuations and their influence in weather, floods, polar ice, and Earth's orbital acceleration.

ref: en.wikipedia.org

Died, Sherburne W. Burnham, US astronomer (cataloged binary stars)

ref: en.wikipedia.org

M. Wolf discovered asteroid #949 Hel.

M. Wolf discovered asteroid #1021 Flammario.

Y. Vaisala discovered asteroid #1656 Suomi.

Died, Arthur J. Dempster, Canadian-American physicist best known for his work in mass spectrometry and his discovery of uranium-235

ref: en.wikipedia.org

Born, Curtis L. Brown Jr. (at Elizabethtown, North Carolina, USA), Colonel USAF, NASA astronaut (STS 47, STS 66, STS 77, STS 85, STS 95, STS 103; 57d 17h total time in spaceflight)
Astronaut Curtis L Brown Jr., NASA photo (2 April 1997) Source: Wikipedia (spaceflight.nasa.gov killed 25 Feb 2021) 384px-Curtis_Brown.jpg
Astronaut Curtis L Brown Jr., NASA photo (2 April 1997)
Source: Wikipedia (spaceflight.nasa.gov killed 25 Feb 2021)

ref: en.wikipedia.org

1960 13:00:00 UTC
NASA launched Pioneer 5 into a Solar orbit between Earth and Venus, it became the first probe to approach near Venus.

ref: nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov

Died, Philo T. Farnsworth, US inventor (all-electronic television, and a small nuclear fusion device, the Farnsworth-Hirsch fusor)

ref: en.wikipedia.org

The Japanese probe Sakigake flew past Comet Halley on the sunward side at a distance of approximately 6.8 million km.

ref: nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov

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